Are you a cooldude?

Welcome to cooldudechoice!


“Cooldude” ! The word that kept buzzing, pouring hundreds of questions everyday over a decade now. Just like a flashback in the movie, it takes me back to my college days..Our all time favorite topic :"Hey, how to be a cooldude? How about trying that new hair gel or new style?"

So, always wondered, what are  cooldudes? Where are they born? How do they look? May be they are just from the rich families?


May be, to be cooldude, you have to spend at least 2 hrs in the lavish gym; wear branded clothes and stylish shoes. Yes, the girls fall for those who know how to buy branded things..Or, it might be about “smoking ” or “drinking” in the pub, at least once in a week !Wow...if that’s the cooldude choice then why there are so many addiction rehabilitation programs?

What cooldude does on the beach? Does he wear flippers or sunglasses ? Is he a rockstar?  

Feels like, we should have access to the secret key of alibaba to find out “What is a cooldude?” May be the answer lies in the question or there is no answer……Is it just an imagination of all the irrational theories of heroism?

After a decade, when I look around, I try to find these cooldudes. What they do now?They must be heroes.But when I look around, I notice every dude is doing some heroism each day..

Trying to cheer up his friend, spending time with his buddies no matter how much he is busy or strong enough to bear toddler’s  tantrums at the middle of night and still be cool and managing all the responsibilities at work, biking no matter it’s summer or winter.. or simply playing on his guitar to bring melody to someone’s life. He is an explorer, loves to snorkel to swim around those lovely fishes, travels without worrying too much of luggage...

He is not there to Impress you, just trying to make your day!
 Yes, seems finally secret is revealed.

Cooldude is not about the style,’s all about the choices one makes to live. He knows "way to live".

It seems the cooldude is within you, waiting just to discover, getting appreciated by your near ones...Do you find hero within you? Whenever, you notice anybody playing with kids, biking, running or simply playing the tune for someone, appreciate your hero :

"That's   #cooldudechoice"

Cooldudechoice brings out the collection of apparels and accessories to appreciate and recognize the cooldude within you. Dedicated to a loving dadda, caring lover, great buddy, sporty and simple human.

Stay tuned!

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1 comment

Very appealing concept. Best wishes to team Cooldudechoice!


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